Themed Solo Exhibitions
Artwork by Alison Aether
— As Above So Below; there is no good or bad when you have both “angelic” wings and “demonic” horns. Inspired by the Color theory of RGB vs CMY, Sacred Geometry, and the 5 Elements of Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Aether.

"Only That Which Can Rise Can Fall" - Acrylic on Panel

"Myth Is Not Synonymous With False" - Acrylic on Canvas

"You Demonize What You Dont Understand" - Acrylic on Canvas

"No Thing Is Not Synonymous With Empty" - Acrylic on Canvas

"The Hands That Can Hold Can Let Go" - Acrylic on Canvas

"Yellow Youth" - Acrylic & Watercolor on Panel

"Magenta Mother" - Acrylic & Watercolor on Panel

"Cyan Crone" - Acrylic & Watercolor on Panel

"The Light Comes From Within" - Acrylic on Canvas

"Without Is Not Synonymous With NonExistent" - Acrylic on Canvas

"There Are No Demons" - Acrylic on Canvas

"Negative Is Not Synonymous With Bad" - Acrylic on Canvas

"All-That-Is Is You" - Acrylic on Panel
— Beyond the surface of appearance is always a revelation of Pattern. Inspired by Tibetan Sand Mandalas where the everlasting meets the temporary, and Flower of Life sacred geometry where beauty meets logic in a fractal dance.

"Becoming" - Oil on Cardboard

"Relate" - Oil on Cardboard

"Reflect" - Oil on Canvas

"Between" - Oil on Cardboard

"Release" - Oil on Cardboard

"Realize" - Oil on Canvas

"Remember" - Oil on Cardboard

"Being" - Oil on Cardboard